Hi, I am
Saurabh Zingade.

Machine Learning || Data Science Deep Learning || Presentations

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Predict Probability of contacting COVID-19

Personal Project

Vendor Raw Material Predition

Internship Project

Road Condition Classifictaion

BE Final Year Project


SIH 2018 Project

Prediction of number of Covid-19 Patients

Personal Project

*More projects on my github profile



Student at The University of Melbourne

Studying the course Master of Information Technology at the The University of Melbourne which is a ranked as one of the top Universities in the world. My specicalisation is Artifical Intelligence. I have been a class representative for a wide variety of subjects during my course.

University of Melbourne

Date : 07/2022 to Present

Full Stack Developer Intern

Worked as a full Stack intern which consisted on tasks related to mostly Python, React.js as well as SQL and AWS. Developed a simple email service using Amazon Email Service(AES) which was used to send emails to the users of the company portal.


Date : 11/2022 to 03/2023

Team Leader for Grand Challenge

Worked as a student consultant with a team of 6 students with AutoCoach to gather information about the South Korean market to potentially discover clients for them and help them to gather market informatics.The CLient was very impressed with the report findings.

University of Melbourne

Date : 11/2022 to 12/2022

Team Leader for Digital Industry Experience

Worked as a student consultant with a team of 5 on a project report for SolidAz Pty Ltd related to the social impact funds for the Aboriginal community. Provided a detailed report which further helped the company to identify the potential funds for the community.

University of Melbourne

Date : 09/2022 to 10/2022

Software Engineer at VWITS

Worked as a BMC developer directly with the Scania counterparts based in Sweden.
This included fixing major issues inside the Internal Scania Portals, adding new feautures as well as dealing with incidents reported by the users directly.The technology mostly includes the BMC ARS,SQL as well as CSS. The Workflow tracking is done using the Kanban board.

Volkswagen IT Services

Date : 08/2020 to 07/2022

First Internship

Worked as a full stack intern during the third year of my bachelor degree.
Worked on projects related to mostly python,Web development and some basics of android app development.

Prank-I systems

Date : 11/2018 to 08/2019

Second Internship

Worked as a Data Scientist with exposure to live projects related to technologies such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning . During this time I also trained students on Python as well as basic ML algorithhms during this time.

PiSyst India Pvt. Ltd.

Date : 01/2020 to 03/2020

SIH Final 2018

Got selected for the Smart India Hackathon Software edition,2018 at GNIT,Kolkata. We were a team of 6 people. We made an app that we can use during any of the natural disasters. It will also help the government to monitor the current situation of the disaster. Unfortunately we did not win due to lack of experience as we were still in the second year of our bachelor degree.

Smart India Hackathon

Date : 03/2018


Our team got selected in the top 150 teams in the Enginx competition conducted by Tata Consultancy Services(TCS). There were a total of 17414 teams in the competition.


Date : 07/2019

Zensar ESD

Got selected for Zensar ESD program which was conducted by Zensar. I got the training to enhnace my soft skills. Also training related to technologies such as Core JAVA, SQL and PLSQL was provided. Problem solving skills were also enhanced.


Date : 09/2019

Extra Activities

Participated in Various Competitions both technical and non-technical . This Competitions include Football tournaments, Coding competitions as well as Project Presentation. I have also attended various workshops conducted by Google Developer Group,Pune.

Different Certifications

Got certified in Machine Learning as well as Python from NPTEL. Also have experience working with the Google Cloud Platform(GCP) at beginner level. Completed a lot of courses from Udemy related to machine learning, Deep Learning. As of now I am sharpening my skills for Tensorflow 2.0

NPTEL, Qwiklabs , Udemy.

08/2018 to Present


I graduated from SSC in 2014 with a percentage of 92.8 from Stella Maris High School,Pune. I completed my HSC from Nowrosjee Wadia college,Pune. My bachelor aggregate is 8.95 cgpa.

Pune University








I am currently pursuing my master's degree in Information Technology at the University of Melbourne. I was previously working at Volkswagen IT Services as a Software Engineer.Although my work was mostly within the BMC Remedy platform, I constantly keep on learning new things to always try to keep myslef upskilled. Previously,I have also completed two internships during my Bachelors. I am mostly intereseted in technologies realted to Machine learning and Deep Learning. I have worked as an intern at Prank-I systems which is now known as Pisyst India . I interned as a Data Scientist in the same company for my second internship. I prefer programming in python over other programming lanuguages for most of the times and I am also very confident about my presentation skills .

Working with all kinds of data for more than 2 years now!

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